
Friday, July 16, 2021

Logo Tabika Perpaduan 2021& Logo Kementerian Perpaduan Negara


Saje je ni nak share logo Tabika Perpaduan yang baru.
Juga, logo Kementerian Perpaduan Negara. Dua2 format PNG, untuk mudahkan buat poster ke apa ke.

Terfikir idea ni lepas tolong kakak buat poster.
Semoga bermanfaat, inshaAllah!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Kelas bahasa Korea / Korea Language Class ( Area Kuala Lumpur/ Selangor )

Hi readers,

Would love to share with you a good news for anyone who are keen to learn Korean language.
Please click on the picture below for all the details ;

Here's my email as per on the flyers (so you all can just copy paste and shoot me email straight away,, hehe ) ;
I'll reply to any enquiries the soonest possible, fingers cross :)
See you there! 감사합니다~

Friday, July 18, 2014

370 & 77

March 8th, and now July 17th.
Almost 2am I cant still get myself to sleep.

I used to travel via airplanes a lot during my university days.
Never once I stop the fear of being at thousands of feet up on the blue sky.
Yes, I was terrified with flying at a point where I did not join a family vacation, I chose to not board the plane.

Then, situation changed.
I still remembered clearly the first time I board the plane and it was ready to take off.
How my hand keeps trembling and sweating.
How hard I closed my eyes, praying for everything to be alright.

Then after a few times travelling, eventhough I was more at ease, I still cant get rid of all the worst scenarios that could have happenned.( somehow I started to imagine all these horrible tragedies the minute the plane starts to take off, every single time)
And now, in the year of 2014, it all actually happened. ;(

I am lost at words. I can't help but imagine how terrifying it must have been, both for the victims and the families.
The more I think about it, the greater the pain in my chest began to feel.
And I started to cry like an abandoned child. ㅠㅠ

May God grants ease to all the victim's families and friends.
Let's not stop praying for them, for the victims.

Fellow Malaysians, our country needs us to keep it together at this very difficult times.
Let us all help in any ways that we can.
The least we can do is keep on praying!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Turning a new leaf.

I want to get back to writing but am not really sure what to write.
So instead, a little updates about myself.(for those who actually care.heh)

I've just finished my 5years studies in Korea and has already got back to Malaysia for good. Alhamdulillah.

It's been 2 months since I graduated and now I've already entering my first job after attending numerous interviews with different companies. What I do now is completely different from what I learnt but I promise to take it as a new challenge.(for now.hehe)

Currently residing far from home, in the heart of the city of Kuala Lumpur, the company where I'm working is only 10minutes away, which gave me the ultimate convenience that many would very much envy. :')

I would be lying if I say that working with something new is an easy process. I took a lot of work. but insyaAllah, I made it a compulsory need everyday to count my blessings and tawakal to Allah that he has chosen what is right for me. I have done it before and I am gonna get through it this time.

Lets be positive and dont forget to pray for the best. :)

I too wish all the best for all the readers. 안녕!
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